buy Chuck Norris Wall Calendar 2015

Chuck Norris Wall Calendar 2015

Chuck Norris Wall Calendar 2015

Our favorite American martial artist and actor Chuck Norris, should have a permanent fixture in all of our houses. Well at least for 16 months, with a 2015 calendar that starts in September of 2014.

This calendar features 13 amazing and colorful pictures of Chuck Norris, with humorous (and probably true) Chuck Norris quotes.

The size of the calendar when open on your wall is 11″ x 23″. It features the months of September – December 2014 at a glance making Texas Ranger on your wall for 16 months. It includes international holidays and moon phases, but I’m sure they happen when Chuck Norris says they will happen.

Who better to tell you when to go to your appointments than Chuck Norris, get the calendar now!