buy James Dean Cowboy Hat Giant T-Shirt

James Dean Cowboy Hat Giant T-Shirt

James Dean Cowboy Hat Giant T-Shirt

James Dean can play the role of the bad guy like no other movie star can, he was always immersing himself into every role which may have been his dimise in the end.

This is a t-shirt that features a print of an image taken of James Dean while in the set of his final movie, Giant. Find a clean shaven James Dean with a loose collared shirt and a cowboy hat tilted back far on his head as he looks like he is lounged out, cool, calm and collective.

Made from 100% cotton this shirt is available in a wide variety of women’s fitted sizes that range from Small to 2XL and you get too choose from 18 different fun and vibrant shirt colors.

Also check out the many different ways to get this James Dean print like hoodies, men’s shirts and more.