Arianator’s of the world! Now there is a t-shirt that can express your true loyalty in being the number one fan of Ariana Grande! It straight out tells the world that you are an Arianator!
With Ariana Grande standing defiant and strong, wearing a black sheer dress in front of a cool circular graphic design behind her, in the middle of the shirt, her signature hair style in beautiful viw (pony tail off to the side) she is the star of all stars, and looks simply amazing on this t-shirt. This is better than the “Cat’s Pajamas!”
You know the things in life that make things worthwhile, and that “like attracts like”, when you are declaring your connection with you favorite star, you are becoming closer to her in essence. Ariana Grande stands for being heard, humanitarian endeavors, equal rights, being empowered, acknowledging strong women, making great art, and knowing how to have fun! She can sing like nobodies business – that incredible vocal range and power, mastered so early in hear career! No wonder you want to have her on your t-shirt! Well, now you can, and this is the perfect one!
This gorgeous t-shirt is available in unisex sizes Small – XL on a 100% comfy cotton t-shirt, shipped to you fast!