buy Dalai Lama Portrait T-Shirt

Dalai Lama Portrait T-Shirt

Now you can wear this Dalai Lama portrait t-shirt and maybe that makes people a little bit more peaceful around you.

The Dalai Lama t-shirt is available in styles for both men and women and also comes in a wide range of colors and sizes.

On the t-shirt you can find the head of the Dalai Lama in just black and white and that really looks nice to have this portrait on the t-shirt.

Having the Dalai Lama on your side is just nice so wear this t-shirt and feel his power with you where ever you are going.

Get your Dalai Lama Portrait T-Shirt

buy Cartoon Dalai Lama Spiral Notebook

Cartoon Dalai Lama Spiral Notebook

Carry around a symbol of strength, peace and a great teacher, so you will be inspired everyday to use a cartoon Dalai Lama spiral notebook. Keep all your things in one place and you too can become a great teacher, or just have your grocery list in the right place at the right time.

The cover of this spiral notebook has a cartoon portrait of the 14th Dalai Lama. He is wearing a purple and yellow robe, has a smile and is praying for your health and well being. He is such a great human being.

This spiral notebook comes with 120 pages and measures approximately 6 inches by 8 inches. You can also choose lined paper to fill your notebook or graph paper, it’s all up to you!

Get your Cartoon Dalai Lama Spiral Notebook